En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de Sheppard Avenue: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a Sheppard Avenue Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Automóvil Aparcamientos - 158m - - de pago Harlandale Avenue, 10 Aparcamientos - 370m - Sheppard Avenue East, 47 Aparcamientos - 251m - Harlandale Avenue Aparcamientos - 217mTTC Vehicle Parking - Toronto Transit Commission - acceso privado - gratuito - vigilado Harlandale Avenue Aparcamientos - 266m - Elmhurst Avenue, 3 Aparcamientos - 360m - Spring Garden Avenue, 6 Aparcamientos - 206m - - gratuito Sheppard Avenue East Aparcamientos - 386m - - acceso privado Sheppard Avenue East, 45 Aparcamientos - 369m - Beecroft Road Aparcamientos - 281m - Harlandale Avenue Aparcamientos - 257m - - acceso privado Yonge Street, 4714 Aparcamientos - 269m - - gratuito Lane West Yonge South Poyntz Aparcamientos - 277m - - gratuito Yonge Street, 4704 Aparcamientos - 294m - - gratuito Yonge Street, 4698 Aparcamientos - 270m - - gratuito Yonge Street, 4712 Gasolineras, Estaciones de servicio - 239mShell Yonge Street, 4722 Gasolineras, Estaciones de servicio - 356mEsso Yonge Street, 4696 North York Entradas a parking - 194m - Bogert Avenue, 9 Entradas a parking - 259m - Sheppard Avenue West, 40 Entradas a parking - 263m - Sheppard Avenue West, 40 Entradas a parking - 312m - Harlandale Avenue Entradas a parking - 316m - Harlandale Avenue Entradas a parking - 244m - Anndale Drive Entradas a parking - 332m - Yonge Street, 4711 Entradas a parking - 335m - Yonge Street, 4711 Entradas a parking - 200m - Bogert Avenue, 9 Alquiler de coches - 438mAvis Sheppard Avenue WestComercio shop-vacant - 130m - Harlandale Avenue centro comercial - 240mYonge Sheppard Centre - RioCan Forest Laneway, 4 Panadería - 205mKin-Kin Bakery & Bubble Tea Concourse Level Panadería - 398mBake Code Yonge Street, 4918;4909 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 08:00-23:00; Fr 08:00-24:00; Sa 10:00-24:00; Su 10:00-23:00 Peluquería - 137mThe Maze Hair Salon Yonge Street, 4750 Toronto Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-20:00 Peluquería - 219mShuku Salon Spa Sheppard Avenue East Peluquería - 217mTo-Nino Hair Design Concourse Level Limpieza en seco - 203mNorth York's Premium Dry Cleaners Concourse Level Limpieza en seco - 234mTaylor's Cleaners Sheppard Avenue East Limpieza en seco - 243mVic-Tone Cleaners Yonge Street, 4864 Tienda de variedades - 170mDollarama Yonge Street, 4841 Tienda de variedades - 184mMiniso Ground Level Supermercado - 127mWhole Foods Market Yonge Street, 4771 M2N 5M5 North York Teléfono: +1-416-730-1100 Supermercado - 178mFood Basics Bogert Avenue, 9 Supermercado - 150mLongo's Ground Level Supermercado - 249mm2m Asian Grocery Store Greenfield Avenue, 16 salón de belleza - 189mFuzz Wax Bar Ground Level salón de belleza - 255mDahlia Wellness Centre Yonge Street, 4710 M2N 5M4 North York Teléfono: (416) 901-5885 #TMUGEO441 salón de belleza - 196mForest Nails & Spa Concourse Level suministros médicos - 226mTrendyMED Sheppard Avenue West tabaco - 130mVape Loft Yonge Street, 4750 Toronto Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 10:00-22:00 tienda de mascotas - 249mmyPet Shop on Yonge Yonge Street, 4720 M2N 5M4 North York Teléfono: +1 416-528-1788 #TMUGEO441 Optica - 152mDu Monde Optical Yonge Street, 4841 Optica - 289mBespoke Optical Poyntz Avenue, 26 grandes almacenes - 449m - Spring Garden Avenue prestamista de dinero - 520mMoney Mart Avondale Avenue, 1 Joyería - 135mVivah Yonge Street, 4841 Telefonía móvil - 114mMobile Klinik Sheppard Avenue East, 2 Telefonía móvil - 190mVirgin Plus Ground Level Telefonía móvil - 185mCellRox Ground Level Telefonía móvil - 142mFido Concourse Level Telefonía móvil - 188mKoodo Ground Level Telefonía móvil - 219mValue Mobile Concourse Level Telefonía móvil - 322mRogers Yonge Street, 4903 alcohol - 138mLCBO Poyntz Avenue, 22 M2N 0J5 North York Bazar - 267mJohnston Smoke & Variety Yonge Street, 4712 Bazar - 382mCircle K Yonge Street, 4696 Ropa - 175mRicki's Ground Level Ropa - 207mReitmans Concourse Level Ropa - 194mWinners Ground Level Ropa - 182mCarter's OshKosh Ground Level lotería - 133m - Ground Level Zapatería - 191mSheppard Shoe Repair Ground Level fotocopias - 481mThe UPS Store Yonge Street, 4936Restauración Comida rápida - 76mTaco Bell Sheppard Avenue West Comida rápida - 255mSubway Sheppard Avenue East Comida rápida - 162mPizza Pizza Harlandale Avenue, 10 Comida rápida - 276mHero Certified Burgers Yonge Street, 4704 Comida rápida - 261mBurrito Boyz Yonge Street, 4712 M2N 6V1 North York Teléfono: +1 416-221-2699 #TMUGEO441 Comida rápida - 255mSuper Chicken Yonge Street, 4716 M2N 5M4 North York Teléfono: +1 416-551-8850 #TMUGEO441 Comida rápida - 250mWhat a Bagel! Sheppard Avenue East Comida rápida - 116mFive Guys Yonge Street, 4841 Comida rápida - 121mOmni Palace Yonge Street, 4841 Comida rápida - 175mSushi-Q Yonge Street, 4841 Comida rápida - 263mThaï Express Yonge Street, 4841 North York Teléfono: +1-416-733-9775 Comida rápida - 267mPopeyes Yonge Street, 4841 Comida rápida - 260mButter Chick Yonge Street, 4841 Comida rápida - 255mTeriyaki Experience Yonge Street, 4841 Comida rápida - 250mVilla Madina Yonge Street, 4841 Comida rápida - 127mBasil Box Ground Level Comida rápida - 236mA&W Concourse Level Comida rápida - 249mJimmy the Greek Concourse Level Comida rápida - 260mFurama Dim Sum Concourse Level Comida rápida - 269mWikki Hut Concourse Level Comida rápida - 274mA&W Yonge Street, 4841 Comida rápida - 270mPotapia Yonge Street, 4841 Comida rápida - 76mMcDonald's Yonge Street, 4808 North York Horario de apertura: 24/7 Restaurantes - 106mBlaze Pizza Yonge Street, 4841 Restaurantes - 292mUnion Social Eatery Yonge Street, 4899 M2N 5N4 Teléfono: +1-416-221-6789 Email: usesheppard@unionsocial.ca Horario de apertura: Mo-We,Su 11:30-23:00; Th-Sa 11:30-24:00 Restaurantes - 204mShoeless Joe's Sheppard Avenue East Restaurantes - 392mEggsmart Yonge Street, 4691 Horario de apertura: closed Restaurantes - 274mEAT BKK Thai Kitchen Yonge Street, 4704 M2N 5M4 Toronto Restaurantes - 251mKinka Izakaya Yonge Street, 4775 M2N 5M5 North York Restaurantes - 204mKenzo Yonge Street, 4856 Teléfono: +1-647-345-1871 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 148mGolden Rice Noodle Yonge Street, 4750 Toronto Restaurantes - 159mFlock Rotisserie + Greens Ground Level Restaurantes - 225mFreshii Concourse Level Restaurantes - 229mThe Fry - Sheppard Yonge Street, 4864 M2N 5N2 Toronto Teléfono: +1 416-546-6159 Email: Lee@thefry.ca Horario de apertura: Su-Th 15:00-02:00; Fr-Sa 15:00-01:30 Restaurantes - 232mArmando's Authentic Italian Cuisine Yonge Street, 4864 Restaurantes - 218mTandoori House Indian Cuisine Yonge Street, 4864 Restaurantes - 170mLee Namjang Korean Restaurant Yonge Street, 4844 Cafeterías - 126mTim Hortons Yonge Street, 4750 M2N 6G5 Toronto Cafeterías - 329mCountry Style Sheppard Avenue East, 45 Cafeterías - 152mPresotea Yonge Street, 4750 M2N 6G5 Toronto Cafeterías - 394mTim Hortons Yonge Street, 4696 M2N 5M2 North York Teléfono: +1-416-222-5428 #RyersonGEO441 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 07:00-23:00 Cafeterías - 246mAnotherland Coffee Yonge Street, 4714 M2N 5M4 North York Email: anotherlandcoffee@gmail.com #TMUGEO441 Cafeterías - 214mJava Joe’s Sheppard Avenue West Cafeterías - 200mReal Fruit Bubble Tea Ground Level Cafeterías - 197mTim Hortons Ground Level Cafeterías - 198mSecond Cup Ground Level zona de comedor - 231mYonge-Sheppard Centre Food Court Concourse Level Bares - 336mHY Lounge Spring Garden Avenue, 5Otros office-yes - 134m - Yonge Street, 4789 Toronto office-yes - 229m - Sheppard Avenue West, 40 M2N 6K9 Toronto office-yes - 135m - Sheppard Avenue East, 5 Toronto Fuentes - 351m - Yonge Street, 4900 Fuentes - 360m - Sheppard Avenue West shop-immigration_consultant - 55mDiamond Group of Companies Sheppard Avenue East, 2 oficinas gubernamentales - 366mService Ontario Sheppard Avenue East, 47 North York oficinas gubernamentales - 388mPassport Canada Yonge Street, 4900 North York Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-16:30 oficinas de agencias de empleo - 172mCareerJoy | North York Sheppard Avenue West, 25 oficinas de agencias de empleo - 225mAppleOne Employment Sheppard Avenue West, 40 office-newspaper - 196mTranscontinental Publications Sheppard Avenue West, 25 office-newspaper - 230mYSC Variety & Post Concourse Level office-lawyer - 115mMK Law Firm Professional Corporation Yonge Street, 4789 M2N 0G3 Toronto Teléfono: +1-416-650-0060 Email: info@mklaw.ca Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 office-lawyer - 340mFamily Law Office of Natalia Denchik Sheppard Avenue East, 45 M2N 5W9 Toronto Teléfono: +1-416-227-9650 Office of Family Lawyer Natalia Denchik. office-lawyer - 320mMazo Chowbay Anndale Drive office-lawyer - 238mNetwork North Reporting & Mediation Bogert Avenue office-lawyer - 235mGottlieb Law Firm Sheppard Avenue West, 40 M2N 6K9 North York Teléfono: +1-416-227-1653 Email: ggottlieb@gottlieblawfirm.com office-lawyer - 117mKamalie Law Professional Corporation Yonge Street, 4789 M2N 0G3 Toronto Teléfono: +1 416-806-1401 First and foremost, we at Kamalie Law are problem solvers who utilize the law as a mechanism to deliver exceptional client services. Our boutique style law firm allows us to take a modern, personalized, and hands-on approach to client representation. Disp Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00 office-it - 178mVsourz Technologies Inc. Yonge Street, 4711 M2N 6K8 Toronto Teléfono: +1-416-619-5343 webdesign Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:30 office-it - 195mQode Media SEO Toronto Yonge Street, 4789 M2N 0G3 Toronto Teléfono: +1-416-208-0157 Horario de apertura: 24/7 office-it - 183mAVAJ Future Solutions Sheppard Avenue West, 25 office-dentist - 122mLu Dental Yonge Street, 4789 M2N 0G3 North York Teléfono: +1-416-224-9377 Email: ludental85@gmail.com Horario de apertura: Mo-We,Fr 09:00-18:00; Th 12:00-17:00; Sa 10:00-16:00; Su off Papeleras - 63m - Yonge Street, 4808 Papeleras - 331m - - Astral Sheppard Avenue East, 50 Papeleras - 111m - Yonge Street, 4828 Papeleras - 295m - Elmhurst Avenue, 19 Papeleras - 370m - Sheppard Avenue West Papeleras - 391m - Bogert Avenue Papeleras - 319m - Beecroft Road Teléfonos - 417m - - Bell Canada Yonge Street, 4672 escuelas de música - 246mGreat Art School of Music (GASM) Poyntz Avenue, 15 M2N 1H9 Toronto Teléfono: +1-647-348-2257 #RyersonGEO441 office-financial - 233mDLC AC Mortgage Service Sheppard Avenue West, 25 office-association - 245mProfessional Engineers Ontario Sheppard Avenue West, 40 M2N 6K9 Toronto Teléfono: +1-416-224-1100 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:30-16:30 office-advertising_agency - 217mWhitehead Agency Group Sheppard Avenue West, 25 office-company - 340mProcter & Gamble Yonge Street, 4711 office-therapist - 326mGrow Legally Marijuana Clinic and Consulting Yonge Street, 4711 office-insurance - 305mHIROC Yonge Street, 4711 oficinas de instituciones educativas - 129mOntario Virtual School Yonge Street, 4773 M2N 0G2 Toronto Teléfono: +1-416-907-4899 Ontario Virtual School (OVS) is an accredited online virtual high school operating since 2010. office-accountant - 131mLiquidity Curve Systems Inc Yonge Street, 4789 M2N 0G3 Toronto Teléfono: +1-647-556-5932 Email: support@liquiditycurve.com Accounting and bookkeeping services for small businesses. Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 waste_basket;recycling - 190m - Poyntz Avenue, 18 shop-cannabis - 419mFogtown Flower Yonge Street, 4687 M2N 5M3 North York Teléfono: 647-812-8873 #TMUGEO441 Máquinas de vending - 135m - Sheppard Avenue West Máquinas de vending - 305m - Beecroft Road Reciclaje - 368m - Sheppard Avenue West Reciclaje - 392m - Bogert Avenue Venta de Helados - 343mYogen Früz Sheppard Avenue East, 45 loading_dock - 372m - Yonge Street, 4711 office-Automotive - 90mCar Juggle Yonge Street, 4789 M2N 0G3 North York Teléfono: +1 647-556-3167 Automotive services Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 office-estate_agent - 436mTeam Oulahen Realty Inc. Brokerage Yonge Street, 4687 shop-chocolate - 176mPurdys Chocolatier Ground Level shop-nutrition_supplements - 210mGNC Concourse Level Toilets - 209m - Concourse Level office-SECURITY_COMPANY - 525mEAGLE SHIELD PROTECTION LTD. Yonge Street, 4950 M2N6K1 North York Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 09:00-17:30; Fr 09:00-17:00 Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
Sheppard Avenue