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Jessie Avenue, Fort Rouge–East Fort Garry
Pine Ridge Road, Rural Municipality of Springfield, Division No. 12
» Chatham-Kent » Educación
Centros de enseñanza en Chatham-Kent, Ontario
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Servicios más cercanos
Colegios Mayores
St. Clair College - Chatham Campus
Fergie Jenkins Parkway
St. Clair College National Powerline Training Centre
DriveWise Training Centres
Dover Street
Lambton Rural Child Care
Murray Street
Our Little Place Child Care
Faubert Drive
The Family Centre
University Avenue
escuelas de idiomas
- - OUTLODU Speech & Language Services
Baldoon Road, 363 N7L 4K4 Chatham
oficinas de instituciones educativas
College Boreal
King Street West
A.A. Wright Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Elm Drive, 55 N8A 3M7 Wallaceburg
Teléfono: +1-519-627-2581
Fax: +1-519-627-5237
École élémentaire catholique Saint-Francis
- Conseil scolaire catholique Providence (christian - catholic)
St. Clair Street, 11 N0P 2L0 Tilbury
Teléfono: +1-519-682-3243
Fax: +1-519-682-1715
École élémentaire catholique Saint-Philippe
- Conseil scolaire catholique Providence (christian - catholic)
St. Philippe Line, 7195 N0P 1S0 Grande Pointe
Teléfono: +1-519-352-9579
Fax: +1-519-354-7969
École élémentaire catholique Sainte-Catherine
- Conseil scolaire catholique Providence (christian - catholic)
Winterline Chemin, 24162 N0P 1Z0 Pain Court
Teléfono: +1-519-354-2913
Fax: +1-519-354-4908
École élémentaire catholique Sainte-Marie
- Conseil scolaire catholique Providence (christian - catholic)
Dale Drive, 90 N7L 0B2 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-354-1225
Fax: +1-519-354-6475
École secondaire catholique de Pain Court
- Conseil scolaire catholique Providence (christian - catholic)
Notre Dame Street, 14 N0P 1Z0 Pain Court
Teléfono: +1-519-352-1614
Fax: +1-519-352-9442
Blenheim District High School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Chatham Street South, 163 N0P 1A0 Blenheim
Teléfono: +1-519-676-5485
Fax: +1-519-676-4919
Chatham Christian School
Chatham-Kent Secondary School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
McNaughton Avenue East, 285 N7L 2G7 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-352-2870
Fax: +1-519-352-2908
Christ the King Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Thomas Avenue, 227 N8A 2B9 Wallaceburg
Teléfono: +1-519-627-6745
Fax: +1-519-627-7354
Dresden Area Central School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
North Street, 941 N0P 1M0 Dresden
Teléfono: +1-519-683-4457
Fax: +1-519-683-4458
Georges P. Vanier Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Cecile Avenue, 20 N7M 2C3 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-354-6550
Fax: +1-519-354-6554
Good Shepherd Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Edith Street, 4 N0P 2K0 Thamesville
Teléfono: +1-519-692-3644
Fax: +1-519-692-5962
Gregory Drive Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Gregory Drive West, 180 N7L 2L4 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-352-6856
Fax: +1-519-352-6897
H.W. Burgess Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Lawrence Avenue, 140 N8A 2B3 Wallaceburg
Teléfono: +1-519-627-3822
Fax: +1-519-627-7725
Harwich-Raleigh Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Chatham Street South, 231 N0P 1A0 Blenheim
Teléfono: +1-519-676-5481
Fax: +1-519-676-5482
Holy Family Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Murray Street, 649 N8A 1W1 Wallaceburg
Teléfono: +1-519-627-6003
Fax: +1-519-627-9558
Indian Creek Road Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Indian Creek Road West, 511 N7M 0P5 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-352-3137
Fax: +1-519-352-3139
John McGregor Secondary School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Cecile Avenue, 300 N7M 2C6 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-354-1740
Fax: +1-519-354-2947
John N. Given Learning Centre
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Churchill Street, 92 N7L 3T5 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-352-3137
King George VI Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Delaware Avenue, 227 N7L 2W5 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-354-2440
Fax: +1-519-354-0888
Lambton Kent Composite School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
St. George Street North, 231 N0P 1M0 Dresden
Teléfono: +1-519-683-4475
Fax: +1-519-683-2699
McNaughton Ave Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
McNaughton Avenue East, 480 N7L 2G9 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-352-8252
Fax: +1-519-352-8242
Merlin Area Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Erie Street North, 21184 N0P 1W0 Merlin
Teléfono: +1-519-689-4812
Fax: +1-519-689-4792
Monsignor Uyen Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Lark Street, 255 N7L 1G9 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-352-1880
Fax: +1-519-352-1933
Naahii Ridge Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Victoria Road, 20473 N0P 2C0 Ridgetown
Teléfono: +1-519-674-3173
Fax: +1-519-674-3347
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Baldoon Road, 545 N7L 5A9 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-351-4040
Fax: +1-519-354-7098
Queen Elizabeth II Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Eugenie Street, 79 N7M 3Y9 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-354-2560
Fax: +1-519-354-2570
Ridgetown District High School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Harold Street North, 9 N0P 2C0 Ridgetown
Teléfono: +1-519-674-5449
Fax: +1-519-674-5171
St. Agnes Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Croydon Street, 55 N7L 1L5 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-354-0530
Fax: +1-519-354-8249
St. Angelina Merici Catholic Elementary School
St. Anne Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Snow Avenue, 183 N0P 1A0 Blenheim
Teléfono: +1-519-676-7352
Fax: +1-519-676-7349
St. Elizabeth Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Bertha Street, 1350 N8A 3K4 Wallaceburg
Teléfono: +1-519-627-6331
Fax: +1-519-627-7203
St. Joseph Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
St. Clair Street, 43 N0P 2L0 Tilbury
Teléfono: +1-519-682-2790
Fax: +1-519-682-0581
St. Joseph Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Raleigh Street, 25 N7M 2M6 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-354-4642
Fax: +1-519-354-4643
St. Michael Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Maple Street, 25 N0P 2C0 Ridgetown
Teléfono: +1-519-674-3475
Fax: +1-519-674-5264
St. Ursula Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Lacroix Street, 426 N7M 2W3 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-352-3620
Fax: +1-519-352-0411
St. Vincent Catholic School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Mcnaughton Line, 9399 N7M 5J7 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-354-4066
Fax: +1-519-354-5670
Tecumseh Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
McNaughton Avenue West, 287 N7L 1R8 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-354-2480
Fax: +1-519-354-2482
Thamesville Area Central Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Mary Street, 30 N0P 2K0 Thamesville
Teléfono: +1-519-692-3908
Fax: +1-519-692-3909
Tilbury Area Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Mable Street, 5 N0P 2L0 Tilbury
Teléfono: +1-519-682-2260
Fax: +1-519-682-2971
Tilbury District High School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Queen Street South, 97 N0P 2L0 Tilbury
Teléfono: +1-519-682-0751
Fax: +1-519-682-0758
Ursuline College Chatham Catholic Secondary School
- St. Clair Catholic District School Board (christian - catholic)
Grand Avenue West, 85 N7L 1B6 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-351-2987
Fax: +1-519-351-2988
Victor Lauriston Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Alexandra Avenue, 44 N7M 1Y1 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-352-4530
Fax: +1-519-352-4842
W.J. Baird Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
King Street, 182 N0P 1A0 Blenheim
Teléfono: +1-519-676-5407
Fax: +1-519-676-5408
Wallaceburg Christian School
Wallaceburg District Secondary School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Elgin Street, 920 N8A 3E1 Wallaceburg
Teléfono: +1-519-627-3368
Fax: +1-519-627-3833
Wheatley Area Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Erie Street North, 226 N0P 2P0 Wheatley
Teléfono: +1-519-825-4621
Fax: +1-519-825-4622
Winston Churchill Public School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Crystal Drive, 30 N7M 3C7 Chatham
Teléfono: +1-519-352-8680
Fax: +1-519-352-8633
Zone Township Central School
- Lambton Kent District School Board
Main Street North, 730 N0P 1C0 Bothwell
Teléfono: +1-519-695-2739
Fax: +1-519-695-2260
University of Guelph - Ridgetown Campus