Servicios cercanos a Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Automóvil Aparcamientos - 94m - - acceso público - gratuito Kenneth Street, 40 Aparcamientos - 364m - Kenneth Street Aparcamientos - 177m - - acceso público - gratuito Kenneth Street, 134 Aparcamientos - 267m - Ingram Street, 186 Aparcamientos - 217m - Canada Avenue Aparcamientos - 266m - - gratuito Ingram Street, 149 Aparcamientos - 237m - - gratuito Ingram Street, 149 Aparcamientos - 262m - Tyee Street, 446 Aparcamientos - 258m - First Street Aparcamientos - 120m - Canada Avenue, 100 Aparcamientos - 118m - Evans Street Aparcamientos - 351m - Kenneth Street, 241 Aparcamientos - 113m - - City of Duncan - acceso público - gratuito Kenneth Street, 135 Aparcamientos - 161m - - acceso público - gratuito Kenneth Street, 134 Lavado de coches - 496m - Trunk Road, 71 Taller de Automóvil - 613mLordco Trunk Road, 70Comercio Ropa - 75mArcher & Arrow Craig Street, 158 Ropa - 143mOutlooks Mensware Station Street, 53 Ropa - 103mFabrications Kenneth Street, 125 Ropa - 173mSheer Essentials Kenneth Street, 161 Ropa - 134mGiggle Gear Clothing Co. Station Street, 63 Ropa - 174mMartin's Clothing Station Street, 33 Ropa - 153mLeLe Fashion Station Street, 47 Ropa - 202mIndigo Children Consignment Station Street, 133 Ropa - 280mDeja Vue Station Street, 175 Ropa - 238mShades Station Street, 20 Ropa - 220mEclectic Avenue Station Street, 132 Ropa - 180mSheer Essentials Lingerie and Swimwear Kenneth Street, 163 V9L 1N5 Duncan Ropa - 332mArea 51 Station Street, 191 Tienda de variedades - 126mHospital Auxiliaries Thrift Store Station Street, 79 Tienda de variedades - 350mWINGS Station Street, 193 tienda de marcos - 154mJust Framing Station Street, 111 tienda de marcos - 236mStation Street Gallery Station Street, 149 tienda de marcos - 199mBenchmark Gallery Station Street, 24 tienda de marcos - 189mExcellent Frameworks Station Street, 28 arte - 184mE. L. Hughes Station Street, 28 arte - 267mGlobal Initiative Free Trade Store Station Street, 163 arte - 229m4 Cats Art Studio Station Street, 149 arte - 203mJudy Hill Galleries Station Street, 24 papelería - 82mMonk Office Craig Street, 110 papelería - 145mScott's Station Street, 68 juguetería - 66mThe Red Balloon Toy Shop Craig Street, 158 tienda de objetos de segunda mano - 197mSassy Lion Thrift Store Kenneth Street, 164 tienda al aire libre - 87mBucky's Sport Shop Craig Street, 165 Peluquería - 167mAlley Cat Station Street, 119 Peluquería - 251mThe Society Barbershop & Cafe Kenneth Street, 191 Teléfono: +1 250-597-0155 Floristería - 144mWillow & Orchid Station Street, 101 V9L 1M8 Duncan Electrónica - 745mThe Source Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:30-18:00; Sa 09:30-17:30; Su 11:00-17:00 Librería - 147mVolume One Bookstore Kenneth Street, 149 Regalos - 168mWishes Station Street, 121 Regalos - 226mJudy Hill Gallery and Gifts Station Street, 22 V9L 1M4 Bicicletas - 293mCycle Therapy Duncan Street, 360 bebidas - 52mChari-Teas Craig Street, 241 tatuajes - 294mBully Boy Station Street, 179 Optica - 288mPerle Vision Station Street, 177 Panadería - 186mIsland Bagel Station Street, 48 centro comercial - 158mWhittome Mall Station Street, 58 confitería - 192mHammond Bay Fudge Station Street, 124 salón de belleza - 54mBackwoods Soap and Candle Co. Canada Avenue, 225 Teléfono: +1-250-715-8750 tienda de telas - 711mFabricland Duncan Street Duncan Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:00; Su 11:00-17:00Restauración Bares - 81mOld Firehouse Winebar Ingram Street, 40 Pubs - 205mCraig Street Brew Pub Craig Street, 25 Restaurantes - 181mJust Jakes Station Street, 116 Restaurantes - 373mDuncan Garage Duncan Street Restaurantes - 217mPhad Thai Station Street, 139 Restaurantes - 192mWoody's Station Street, 131 Restaurantes - 254mNoodles of the World Station Street, 151 Restaurantes - 208mPower House Living Foods Co. Kenneth Street, 177 Teléfono: +1-250-597-1277 Restaurantes - 266mArbutus Cafe Kenneth Street, 195 Cafeterías - 114mCafe la Vie Canada Avenue, 171 Cafeterías - 132mThe Twisted Mug Cafe Station Street, 85 Cafeterías - 153mIronworks Cafe & Crepperie Station Street, 64Turismo Museo - 219mCowichan Valley Museum Canada Avenue, 130 Artesanía - 67mPouPou Tane Hiira, Pou Karanga Kenneth Street, 40 Artesanía - 193mPole of Wealth Canada Avenue Artesanía - 191mTransformation Canada Avenue, 130 Artesanía - 187mRaven's Gift Canada Avenue, 150 Artesanía - 184mFamily Pole Kenneth Street, 164 Artesanía - 313mThe Family Jubilee Street, 181 Artesanía - 180mThe Feast Canada Avenue, 150 Artesanía - 148mThe Tzinquaw Story Kenneth Street, 148 Artesanía - 237mThe Air and the Land Station Street, 133 Artesanía - 164mHarvest Time Station Street, 118 Artesanía - 323mSea and Sky Station Street, 181 Artesanía - 224mOwl Spirit Station Street, 139 Artesanía - 286mAbolishment Pole Station Street, 175 Artesanía - 157mTransition Station Street, 47 Artesanía - 256mTransformation in Life Station Street Artesanía - 259mThe Friendship Pole Canada Avenue Artesanía - 262mOwl Pole Canada Avenue Artesanía - 86mClan Totem of our Nations Station Street, 75 Artesanía - 110mThunderbird with Dzunuk'wa Station Street, 81 Artesanía - 94mHuman Between Bear's Ears Station Street, 75 Artesanía - 171mWind Spirit Station Street, 58 Artesanía - 213mBringing Light to the World Station Street, 24 Artesanía - 239mRaven Stealing the Sun Station Street, 20 Artesanía - 283mCentennial Pole Canada Avenue Artesanía - 363mEagle, Raven, Bear Government Street Artesanía - 394mThe Gwa'yasdams Flood Story Government Street, 198 Artesanía - 264mKwagu’ł Bear Holding a Seal Canada Avenue Artesanía - 78mEagle Pole Canada Avenue, 225 Agencia de viajes - 142mWhittome's Travel Station Street, 64Otros Toilets - 165m - - gratuito Canada Avenue, 150 oficinas gubernamentales - 303mService Canada Jubilee Street, 211 oficinas gubernamentales - 381mService BC Centre Duncan Duncan Street, 5785 Duncan Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 08:30-16:30 office-company - 154mExpedia cruise ship centre Canada Avenue, 149 office-association - 52mCutting Edge Lending Craig Street, 170 office-association - 148mCowichan Community Land Trust Society Station Street, 51 office-association - 337mCowichan Green Community - Cowichan Green Community Society Duncan Street, 360 shop-fireplace - 386mGranny's Gas & Woodstoves Duncan Street, 5799 shop-hobby - 377mDuncan RC Duncan Street, 5797 Teléfonos - 102m - - Telus Canada Avenue, 100 Teléfonos - 132m - - Telus Kenneth Street, 125 Estación de recarga - 132m - Canada Avenue, 100 shop-spices - 284mTriple Smoke Foods Ingram Street, 175 V9L 1N8 Duncan